Sunday, August 12, 2012

New Babies...

Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you some news.  It has been a super busy summer, but we managed to get our doe Kaci bred to Contraband.  We did this on July 4th.  It has been so stinkin hot this summer, I was afraid he would be sterile, plus it was his first time.  We bred them twice in a row, waited an hour and bred them one more time.  We did this in the morning before it got too hot.  Well, 31 days later, Kaci had 2 babies for us.  Woo Hoo.   She had them last Saturday during the night sometime.  When we got into the barn, one was on the wire, but still warm and dry, so back in the nest box he went.  Babies and Momma were doing great until Tuesday night.  We went out in the barn to take care of them, and Kaci was lying by her food dish and could not move.  I immediately thought broken back.  Don't know how this happened, but I kept asking myself why these things keep happening to us.  We just started this endeavor in April and already had 2 bunnies die from various reasons, and now this  Bunnies are so fragile, I had no idea.

Anyway we took Kaci inside along with the nest box.  She could move one back leg, but when she hopped she fell sideways.  I talked to my breeder and she said to keep her quiet.  We removed the nest box and gave her a cage to herself.  I was spoon feeding her and gave her some anti-inflammatory medicine, and the next day she was better.  I would hold her and let the babies nurse.  She was eating good, just off balance.  This doe is 3 years old, I don't know if she had a stroke, fracture or what.  I have been babying her along and as of today, she can hop, eat, but she still is a little wobbly.  Anyway we have been feeding the babies off of her 2x per day.  She is not in any pain that I can tell and she still takes interest in her babies.  At first I thought I would have to have her euthanized, but I thought I would give her a chance.  Anyway, below is a short video of the babies.  They were trying to hop at 3 days old.  I hope everyone makes it ok, but we are taking one day at a time.